Dear Reader,
At long last I have found some words to write. For a long dry spell, I hadn't any words to write or share. All due to a series of surgeries. SO tedious to hear about, and even more to write about.
One of my many knitted babies, which my daughter thinks is a tad surreal |
Now, hopefully, this period of my life is soon to be over, and I'm finding I do have some words buried inside digging to come out.
I had been afraid they wouldn't ever appear again. Now, I feel the tremors, not unlike a volcano, breaking through onto the page.
Much has happened since my last forays into posting. Grandchildren have been born, great losses have been sustained (
and recovered from), paradigm shifts have occurred, and all is (
still) well.
This next waltz of life, I hope, will bring meaningful, funny, insightful, and worthy words to the page for your eyes to read.
Here we go!
All the best,