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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Holy Cow...

Similar to the woods I walk in near my home:
only mine are muddier.
Outside, it may look like a cold, dreary day, with  grey, dirty snow round about me, but inside my house the view is otherwise.

Inside it is wrapped in understanding, support and love, even among the dust bunnies that gather on the floor as I write (thanks to Clementine's constant shedding).

It is Valentine's Day and while I am not young or entertaining a "new love", I am celebrating how much love there is in this old life of mine.

A Valentine like I always hoped
 to receive, but did not...
I have the blessing of being married for over 34 years to a man who still thinks my jokes are funny, my "added fullness" attractive and tells me that he is never bored with me. Remarkable.

I have produced four children that have grown to adulthood, who are both generous and kind to me as I meander towards my dotage.

And as of late, everyday has brought people into my life who are; collaborative, interesting, intellectually stimulating and also make me laugh.

So while St. Valentine has a cloudy history about what exactly he is a saint for, and today's society it is all about  "looove", for me it is a day to look around, take stock, and realize that it is through the kindness of others I am allowed to grow and understand what love really is:

 Steadfast support of one another, through thick and thin. (in my case, I am hoping for thinner...)

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