Today is the day of my mother's wake.
I find myself, in preparation for this momentous event, sorting laundry, folding clothes, and heating up the iron.
What started out as a quest to make sure my spouse had a freshly ironed shirt for the occasion, morphed into a familiar task that sets my soul at ease.
I find a certain harmony in the process of things; laundry, sewing, mending, knitting, doing dishes, and making beds.
Domesticity at it's finest.
Tasks that make up the backbone of everyday living (or loving).
Forgotten or left undone, we find to our peril, will catch one off guard, in a state of want.
Which is where I am today.
Caught off guard.
In a state of wanting.
Wanting, one more lesson from my mother on how to pick up a stitch in my knitting, or how to get the pleats pressed,
just right,
or all of the other insights that made
up the minutes of our history.
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