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Wednesday, January 6, 2021

The Mirror

You are the sun, this is me mirroring you.

 I see your face,  though you cannot see mine. 

It is a glimpse in the mirror as I walk past the doorway.

Your eyes are focused somewhere else, 

       so I can look without observation in the reverse. 

There are laugh lines, which others can see.

But I know things, not obvious to the casual observer, 

       and I am nothing close to a casual observer.

I know you have been hit with harsh moments,  

       between your rust colored eyes, hard.

I know you choose smiles that slide onto your face, 

      instead of holding the hurt close.

All of these thoughts travel the speed of a blink, 

      as you see me, watching you, in the mirror.

And, you smile with a question in your eyes, 

     asking me if all is well?

Which it is, as we mirror each other, 

      in a moment. 

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